I did it! I hit the 5+ mile mark today. I am not sure exactly how far I went, but I know it was between 5.25 and 5.5, based on the times of the areas I knew. I just kept running. I would pick a spot and say, "Just get to there, then turn around." Then I would get to that point and see another that was down the road, saying the same thing. I kept saying this until the road I was on dead-ended to the highway, so I ran on RM 620 for a while. When I got to the next intersection and was heading home, I realized that other then being sweaty and having sore feet, I felt good, so I made a few more side tracks and hit a few trails. I was not at all winded when I got home, and I made decent time. It just felt good!
Today I will register for the marathon, finally. Next expense, a new pair of sneakers. Anyone know anything about Asics?
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