Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still on a High From Yesterday

I felt like Forest Gump. I ran with a goal in mind, and when I got there, I set another goal a little farther. It just felt good to run! In the end, I was not winded, not breathing heavily. In fact, other then sore feet, I was ready to keep going.

This morning we worked with Moe doing a lot of upper body and ab work. I always complain when we do that, but feel good afterward. The best part of the workouts, though, is not getting winded. I get a little short of breath when we do sprints, but recover easily. Between weight loss, running goals being met, and increased stamina, I feel the best I've felt in years!

Tomorrow I will walk/ run with Maline and Rufus. Saturday will be my next real challenge. I plan on doing all of Ladybird Lake. I will run the first 5, then walk and run as I am able. My goal is to be able to run the entire 10 miles by October 1. Anyone who wants to join me, meet at 6 a.m. in front of the Long Center!

By the way, if you are looking for someone to help you get in shape, I strongly recommend Moe Harris at Elite Fitness ( He has worked wonders for us. He challenges and encourages at the same time, which is a tremendous help.

Till next time, Run, Eat, Sleep!

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