Thursday, February 17, 2011

And a Good Time was Had by All!

Last evening we had our Marathon Kick-off and Wine Tasting at Water2Wine (\  John, Jenny and the staff are wonderful hosts who made the evening even more enjoyable.  Twenty-five people came out to taste wines, bid on silent auction items, and win door prizes, all the while supporting our team.  Auction items ranged from wine gift baskets to sports memorabilia to a massage or a session with a personal trainer.  People tasted wine varietals they may never had thought about tasting before, learning about the types of grapes, regions the grapes were grown in, and the wine-making process.  The evening found a wide array of wine drinkers, from the amateur to the professional wine snob (I find myself to be aspiring to the professional wine snob.  I am currently an amateur wine snob).  The evening ended with us raising a little over $1,000, which was about double what I anticipated!  It put me at about $6,500 total dollars raised, about $1,000 short of my fundraising goal.  I cannot say enough good things about Water2Wine.  It is a tremendously fun place to visit, taste and learn.  The people are friendly, fun and generous, and the experience is delightful!

So Sunday is the big day.  I have not really worked out since running 20 last Tuesday.  I've hit the treadmill a few times, even running a 7 minute mile, and have done the stationary bike, as well.  However, I am trying to rest my body as I prepare for the race.  I've changed my diet for the week, as well.  I have cut out meats and trans fats, and am eating more complex carbs.  Other then last night, I have stopped drinking (I have not had scotch, my poison of choice, for a few weeks).  I try to be active without overdoing.  Saturday will be my last lite workout before the race.

If you are interested in tracking my progress, you can download an IPhone app at or you can follow me on the web at  You will need my bib number (4387) in order to follow my progress.

I would be remiss if I did not give 3 shout-outs.  First, to Moe Harris of Elite Fitness (  He has been my friend and trainer on the journey, and I would not be able to be at this point without him.  Second, Amanda, my running buddy, who made me go out even when I did not want to.  While she knows how to whine when she needs to, she will not others whine.  And finally, and most importantly, to my family.  Maline, Josh and Noah have been marathon widow/ orphans for about 6 months now.  They have supported and encouraged me, and never gotten upset when I have been gone to run.

Well, I guess this is it until after the race.  Thanks to all who have helped, supported and encouraged me along the way!  More Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Gotta keep you in check!! GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY!! You don't need it, but I'll still be sending the good vibes your way :)
